Khalil Abdellah
I'm a recent graduate in Marketing from Temple University, building skills and looking for experience in UX, web development, and SEO. This site was built using Next.js and React Hooks.
My biggest interest now is using UX design principles for journalism, communication design, and accessible tools that aid learning in all stages of life.
Plastic Bag Props
Data visualization using Tableau, with editorial. Data analysis using Python and Pandas. Click for article.
React Pomodoro Timer (WIP)
Productivity aid built with create-react-app framework, Hooks, and Styled Components.

Figma UI Prototype
Mock Human Resources dashboard for a wellness app for mobile and web. Click through to view the prototype.
Click 'Khalil Abdellah' in the list to move forward in the prototype. Click the dropdown to reveal more info, and the back button to go back to the top.